Winter In Denver | Tips For Snow Season In Denver (By A Local)

Winter in Denver makes for a magical trip filled with crisp Rocky Mountain air and wonderful snow. Keep reading for my tips to make your next winter vacation to Denver amazing.

Last Updated: Jan. 29, 2024
Colorado Capital Building in the the Snow
Colorado Capital Building In Downtown Denver

Don’t Be Shy Of The Winter In Denver

Winter in Denver is usually mild with light snowfall and cooler temperatures. Despite what you may believe, Denver sees plenty of sunshine with warm days popping up in the dead of winter. 

Temperatures can dip below 10 degrees at night, and snow can accumulate over 8 inches in a single storm, but these are rare cases and I will answer the most common questions about the winter in Denver and what to expect from the snow season in Denver. 

Understanding the Snow Season In Denver

Union Station In Downtown Denver in the snow
Union Station In Downtown Denver

I moved to Denver in 2010 and call it home. During that time, I experienced a wide range of weather patterns with plenty of snow every season. 

Before we dive into more questions, I need to express the importance of the Denver snow season and why it’s different than other parts of Colorado. 

Tip #1: Don’t let the weather forecast trick you. Despite the probability of snow in Denver, the forecast for any given week may change even just a few hours before the expected snowfall. 

Sometimes we may expect a few inches and a foot of snow happens to dump overnight. We may brace for a snowstorm but small flurries may occupy the skies. 

Even with proper snowfall, different parts of the city will experience different levels of accumulation than others. 

Generally speaking, parts of the Denver metro area closer to the mountains will experience more snow than on the eastern side with downtown Denver seeing an average between both. 

Snowfall usually lasts a day at most with slight to moderate accumulation. Denver rarely sees huge snowstorms that shut down the city. 

Light Rail In Downtown Denver In The Snow
Light Rail In Downtown Denver

After a snowstorm in Denver, the sun usually pops out, melting the snow on the roads and sidewalks in a day or two. I’ve personally seen plenty of warm sunny days melting away any evidence of the previous day’s accumulation. 

Throughout the winter months, Denver sees plenty of sun with 60 degree days sprinkled throughout our coldest months. 

Tip #2: Don’t let the fear of snow keep you from making plans in Denver. The snow is here today and gone tomorrow. 

Despite the high elevation, Denver isn’t located in the mountains and is drastically different from the cities located in the mountains. Mountain cities like Aspen, Vail, and Steamboat Springs will receive feet of snow overnight with mounds sticking around all winter. 

It may be sunny and sixty degrees in Denver, but the mountains could see over a foot of snowfall during the same hours of the same day. 

Tip #3: If you plan on a trip to the mountains from November through April, do check the forecast and local weather reports for that particular city. 

How Cold Is Denver In The Winter?

Brown Palace Hotel In Downtown Denver In the Snow
Brown Palace Hotel In Downtown Denver

Depending on the month, Denver’s nighttime lows will drop to about 15°F, and rise to a daytime high between 45-55°F, but elevation plays a big role in how we feel these temperatures. 

Since Denver is over 5000 feet above sea level, the sun feels more intense, and combined with the low humidity, the daytime feels about ten degrees warmer than the actual temperature. 

At night, the low humidity makes the evenings feel wonderfully crisp and cold, where most jackets will work to keep you warm. This differs from cities like Chicago and New York where the low elevation makes the cold feel frigid and terrible. 

Does Denver Get A Lot Of Snow?

Walking Path at Sloans Lake Park In Denver
Walking Path At Sloan’s Lake Park In Denver

No, Denver does not get a lot of snow during the winter months. For me, I think the snowfall is mild with each snowstorm only bringing a few inches. 

Snow is infrequent and only sticks around for a day or two before the sun melts it away. 

Please understand that “a lot of snow” is relative, but don’t expect mounds of snow to stick around and keep you from normal plans. 

Tip#4: Don’t cancel or change your plans if it snows in Denver. Even with a severe snowstorm, most places in Denver stay open, with plenty of people enjoying normal activities around the city. If your plans take you to an awesome brunch spot in Denver, keep it open or call ahead to double check the opening hours.  

What Month Does It Start Snowing In Denver?

The first snowfall in Denver happens in October but is only a flurry with very light accumulation. The snow always melts the next day and will not disturb any plans in the city. As fall progresses to winter, more snow will fall, but only a few inches should be expected. 

Tip #5: Always expect the possibility of snow. When I moved to Denver in July 2010, I actually experienced a very short snow flurry that slowly progressed to rain. Nothing crazy but it was the first time I watched a sunny 70 degree day turn to snow in only a few hours. 

What Month Does Denver Get the Most Snow?

Mountains Outside Of Boulder, CO
Mountains Outside Of Boulder, CO

Depending on the year, March is the snowiest month, averaging 9-12 inches. Despite this fact, other months may beat out March, like in 2023 when January scored 11 inches of snow in the central Denver area with March barely breaking 3 inches. 

Tip #6: The weather in the winter months is unpredictable, but always pack a few snow friendly items such as winter hats and gloves on the off chance your stay includes a snowstorm. 

Remember, the sun feels more intense because of the elevation, so snow always melts quickly, so your plans should go smoothly no matter the winter month. 

How Long Is the Snow Season In Denver?

Downtown Denver In the Snow
Downtown Denver By The Hilton City Center Hotel

The snow season in Denver starts with flurries in October and ends with light snow showers in April with December through March having the heaviest snowfall.

Large snow storms are rare in Denver with each incident only adding a couple of inches of accumulation at a time. 

As I mentioned earlier, sunny weather plays a big role in snow removal usually melting the snow on roads and sidewalks a day or two after the snowfall. 

Flying Into Denver With Snow

Tip #7 Do not change your flight because the forecast calls for snow.

Even with snow, Denver will still operate flights until it deems the storm is too severe for planes. Yes, flights will still land and take off even with snow falling.

This does not guarantee anything, so please don’t misunderstand. Flights may be canceled for any reason or with any amount of snow. Everything depends on the Denver International Airport. 

I have personal experiences with take offs and landings from Denver with snow falling. Nothing scary happened and it was smooth sailing like any other type of weather. 

Even traveling from the Denver airport to Downtown isn’t stopped by the snow, with the continuous running Denver Airport Rail running 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Final Thoughts On The Winter In Denver

Outside of Downtown Denver In the Snow
Outside Of Downtown Denver

Snow happens in Denver, but I think the winters stay relatively mild with snow accumulations only gaining a few inches with each snowfall. 

Most of the snow season in Denver consists of fast moving storms that drop a few inches before being melted the next day by the sun. 

Even with larger accumulations of snow, the city remains open and people go about their usual plans without any interruptions. 

Just remember that everything I wrote about are estimates and summaries and there are no definite rules for the weather in Denver. 

If you plan a visit to Denver for the winter months, plan ahead and pack accordingly. 

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