Taking The Gap Year, Meeting Mongolian Reindeer Herders, and Enjoying Van Life with Jarryd Salem from Nomadasaurus


On the podcast today,  we have Jarryd Salem, whose adventures around the world will leave any reader jealous. Along with his wife, Alesha, Jarryd started Nomadasaurus in 2013 as a way to document their travels overland from Asia to Africa.   

Soon, their blog became their full time job, with Nomadasaurus growing to one of the largest travel blogs in the world. 

In our interview, we discuss some of Jarryd’s favorite travel moments like meeting the Mongolian Reindeer herders, to living with his wife in a van for months at a time. 

In this episode you will learn: 

  • How a gap year is normalized in Australia 
  • How to change your life and start traveling
  • Insights into Jarryd and Alesha’s indefinite travel
  • Realities of long term van life
  • How to travel better as a couple
  • Communicating  internationally without technology
  • How the Mongolian Reindeer herders live
  • Jarryd’s motorcycle trip in Laos
  • Tips for amateur and inexperienced photographers

Follow Jarryd Salem

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Mongolians Mystical Tsaatan Reindeer People